Tree Catalog - Best Trees For Dayton, Ohio
Welcome to the Arbor Experts Tree Catalog, where you'll find photos and complete descriptions of the trees we most highly recommend for the Dayton, OH area. All of these trees will do well here and would be a beautiful addition to your yard.
Common Bald Cypress
Taxodium distichum

Bald Cypress is usually associated with the South (it is Louisiana’s state tree), but its hardiness makes it a good choice for moist areas in the Dayton area. Its tall, pyramid shape is striking and its buttressed trunk makes it easy to identify. Although they resemble other evergreen conifers, the Bald Cypress’s small, soft, light green needles turn orange-brown in fall, and the tree is deciduous. After needle fall, its attractive, reddish-brown bark is displayed.
Several cultivars of bald cypress exist, each bred for specific characteristics:
- ‘Cascade Falls’ is a weeping variety that reaches just 20’ in height
- ‘Shawnee Brave’ grows to 50’
- ‘Green Whisper’ is noted for its bright green, feathery foliage
- ‘Peve Minaret’ is a dwarf variety, reaching 10’
Growing Tips
Bald Cypresses prefer average moisture to very wet is the soil, meaning that you do not have to have a swamp to plant one. With its size reaching 70’ or more, it is an excellent landscape specimen or central accent, and is equally attractive when planted in a group. You can plant a bald cypress in full sun or in part shade.
Acidic soils are preferred by bald cypress, with alkaline soils (like those throughout most of the Dayton area) causing leaf chlorosis. When you plant a bald cypress, make sure to include a thick layer of mulch around its base. Adding this mulch will protect roots from severe winter cold and keep moisture in the soil.
This tree requires little pruning, but any pruning you do should be done in late winter before leaves emerge.
Because of its adaptation to flooded areas, bald cypress is suitable for use in rain gardens.
Things to Look Out For
Although hardy, the bald cypress does not tolerate winter salt spray and is only moderately tolerant of pollution.
It has no severe pest or disease problems but bagworms, mites, galls, and blight occasionally occur. Generally, these do not threaten the life of the tree. If a severe infestation occurs, give us a call.