Tree Catalog - Best Trees For Dayton, Ohio
Welcome to the Arbor Experts Tree Catalog, where you'll find photos and complete descriptions of the trees we most highly recommend for the Dayton, OH area. All of these trees will do well here and would be a beautiful addition to your yard.
Jane Magnolia
Magnolia x 'Jane'

‘Jane’ is a slow-growing, deciduous tree with spreading branches. It is grown for its beautiful spring flower display. Its early leaves are reddish, maturing to dark green in summer, and then turning bronze in fall before dormancy.
‘Jane’ is a hardy tree that does not have many issues. Magnolias are another fossil species, retaining characteristics from their first appearance millions of years ago. The unusual, upright centers of magnolia flowers that remain after petals fall and the upright pods that contain seeds are remnants of early the flowering plants magnolias evolved from.
‘Jane’ will grow best in rich, moist soils with good drainage, but will tolerate some clay soils and some dryness when established. Plant a young tree to avoid damage to its root system during transplanting.
You should maintain a layer of organic mulch over the tree’s root zone to keep moisture in soil. You should plant ‘Jane’ in an area that receives sun, but not strong or drying winds. If you plant this tree in an area that receives a lot of sun and heat, you risk stimulating an earlier bloom that can be damaged by frost.
Remember that ‘Jane’ and other early spring flowering trees should be pruned as soon as their flowers drop, to avoid cutting off buds that hold next spring’s flowers. Don’t prune in winter with other deciduous trees.
No serious insect or disease problems.
Potential disease problems include leaf spot, anthracnose, twig dieback, and powdery mildew. Planting your tree in a location that is the most optimal for tree health helps keep trees resistant to pathogens and pests.
Potential insect problems include weevils, scale, and thrips. Scale can be treated with horticultural oil. Discard any thrip-infested leaves right away, and always rake up fallen leaves as soon as possible.